Do you relay a clear brand message on your home page?

Your website’s home page is your organization’s virtual business card. It is your visitors’ first impression, and perhaps your only opportunity to connect with a potential client. An ideal website home page message should entice your visitors to keep learning more about you.

Consider the following when evaluating your home page.

Your home page message should communicate what makes you unique

Your website’s home page is your organization’s virtual business card. It is your visitors’ first impression, and perhaps your only opportunity to connect with a potential client. An ideal website home page message should entice your visitors to keep learning more about you.

The home page must grab and keep visitors’ attention with language that appeals to them. Donald Miller, author of the soon-to-be-released book “Building a Story Brand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen,” says visitors should be able to answer three critical questions soon after landing on your website’s home page, preferably from reading the heading:

What do you offer?

How will it make my life better?

How can I buy it?

“Where a website was once a storehouse for information about a company, it’s now a supplement to a broader marketing campaign,” he notes. “As such, it must be simple and compelling.”

Make it very clear what you offer —and why your prospect should care.

How do you describe your brand offering in a concise and compelling statement? You position your solution so that it speaks to ideal clients. You know who needs your services, you understand problems and you know how you can help — and you convey that message in an attention-grabbing headline.

Here is an example: Offering cloud computer services globally. Fast. Reliable. Cost-effective.

If we rewrite this statement with a focus on how the client will benefit, we might get this:

Keep your company’s records safe and digitally backed up forever without experiencing downtime. You’ll enjoy peace of mind and huge savings.

The difference is specific benefits for the customer — records backed up forever, no downtime, peace of mind and cost savings. It’s a win-win proposition.


Tell them what to do next

Your home page design also plays a crucial role in piquing the interest of potential clients. The page must be set up to help them gradually learn more about you, from your summary heading and your value proposition — more information about benefits for the client — to your calls to action.

If you want people to act on your home page, tell them what to do next. However, you can’t expect them to want to buy right away (although it depends on what you offer). You may need to nurture the relationship with a transitional call to action to engage your visitors. They can call for a free consultation, download a brochure or sign up for your monthly newsletter. You must lead them through the buyer’s journey from awareness — or knowing you exist — to considering or seriously thinking about working with you to solve their problems.


Remember, it’s never about you—but the burden is on you.

People don’t care about you or your organization and how amazing you are. They care about their problems — the problems they’re trying to solve. Your mission is to tell your visitors what you can do for them through your home page message.

Final thoughts

Visitors will only give a home page seconds to read about what the organization does and how it can help them — seconds that must encourage them to keep reading. You ready to make an amazing first impression?

Hook PR & Marketing works with change makers to build their brands with strategic storytelling. Do you need help relaying your vision and brand promise? Contact us for details.
